Joshua holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, San Diego with an undergraduate specialization in Machine Learning and Control Systems. His professional experience spans multiple industries including marine technology, industrial controls, and, lately, space.
As an engineer at General Electric, Joshua was involved in multiple projects including the commissioning of the Expeditionary Sea Base USS Miguel Keith (T-ESB 5) as well as early operational testing and design modifications of the Power Recirculation Drive System (PRDS) at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD).
Joshua entered the space industry as a Spacecraft Electrical Engineer at Innoflight, a small non-traditional defense contractor designing compact, high-performance, and cyber-secure avionics. He led the development of Innoflight’s first fully radiation hardened flight computer, which is scheduled to fly on a demonstration mission in late 2022. Joshua was also involved in the engineering and analysis of electronics designed for Lockheed Martin’s LINUSS mission as well as NASA’s Next Generation Space Suit for the upcoming Artemis missions.
Now at Princeton University’s Space Physics Group, Joshua is responsible for developing and building many of the electronics systems in the Solar Wind and Pickup Ion (SWAPI) spaceflight science instrument for NASA’s Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), which is scheduled to launch in 2025.