Lindsay Bartolone

IMAP Communications Lead
Office Phone

M.S. Science Education, Montana State University (2007)

B.A. Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University (1999)

Certificate in Teacher Preparation, Princeton University (2000)


Lindsay Bartolone is a Science Education, Public Outreach and Communications Consultant from Chicago, IL. She participates in a several NASA funded education and collaborative mission efforts including the NISE Network, NASA’s Universe of Learning, and IMAP’s Student Collaboration. She serves as Education Director for Astronomers Without Borders. She has been a Co-I on NASA's Science Education and Public Outreach Forum projects in the areas of Astrophysics and Heliophysics. She has led Education and Public Outreach Programs for NASA missions, including Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) and Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). She worked at Adler Planetarium for 14 years and has served as the Director of Education.