Papers/Books (188)
Popular Articles and Dissertations (25)
Conference Announcements (203)
• Publications (Refereed) in Journals & Books: 188 (1 book; 174 papers; 13 book chapters):
Sole Author: 56 / Leading 1st Author (with co-authors): 50 / Co-Author: 82
• Announcements in international conferences, published: 203
• Popular Articles and Dissertations: 25
Articles of popularized science (Refereed): 17 / University Dissertations: 8
• Citations: ~7100 (George Livadiotis - Google Scholar)
• h-index: ~50 / m-index (h-index per years since Ph.D.): ~3.1 / i10-index (papers with ≥10 citations): ~110
A. Generalized Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics - Fundamentals of Physics:
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2024), “Theory of thermodynamic relativity”, Nature Sci. Reports, 14, 22641 (26p).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2024), “Universality of kappa distributions“, Europhys. Let., 146, 41003, (8pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2023), “Entropy Defect: Algebra and Thermodynamics”, Europhys. Let., 144, 21001, (8pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2023), “Connection between polytropic index and heating”, Astrophys. J., 956, 88 (9pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2023), “Extensive entropy: The case of zero entropy defect”, Phys. Scr., 98, 105605.
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2023), “Entropy defect in Thermodynamics”, Scientific Reports, 13, 9033.
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2022), “Physical correlations lead to kappa distributions”, Astrophys. J., 940, 83.
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2021), “Thermodynamic definitions of temperature and kappa - introduction of entropy defect”, Entropy, 23, 1683.
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2021), “Black-body radiation in space plasmas”, Europhys. Let., 135, 49001.
- Livadiotis, G., & Nicolaou, G. (2021), “Relationship between polytropic index and thermal anisotropy in plasmas”, Astrophys. J., 909, 127 (12pp).
- Livadiotis G., Nicolaou, G., & Allegrini, F. (2021), “Anisotropic kappa distributions I: Formulation based on particle correlations”, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 253, 16 (28pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2020), “Polytropes in plasmas described by kappa distributions – Application in atmospheric modeling”, Contrib. Plasm. Phys., 60, e202000041 (17pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2020), “Nonextensive statistical mechanics: Equivalence between dual entropy and probabilities”, Entropy, 22, 594 (17pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2019), “Collision frequency and mean free path for plasmas described by kappa distributions”, AIP Advances, 9, 105307 (8pp).
- Livadiotis, G, (2019), “On the generalized formulation of Debye shielding in plasmas”, Phys. Plasmas, 26, 050701 (6pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2019), “On the origin of polytropic behavior in space and astrophysical plasmas”, Astrophys. J., 874, 10 (8pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2019), “On the origin of the polytropic behavior in space plasmas”, J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 1332, 012010 (13pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2019), “Theoretical aspects of Hamiltonian kappa distributions”, Phys. Scr. 94, 105009 (13pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2019), “Rankine-Hugoniot shock conditions for space and astrophysical plasmas described by kappa distributions”, Astrophys. J., 886, 3 (10pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2018), “Derivation of the entropic formula for the statistical mechanics of space plasmas”, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 25, 77–88 (12pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2018), “Thermodynamic origin of kappa distributions”, EPL, 122, 50001, (8pp). [Connection with thermodynamics. In News: https://phys.org/news/2018-10-scientist-explores-space-weather.html].
- Livadiotis, G. (2018), “Kappa distributions: Statistical physics and thermodynamics of space and astrophysical plasmas”, Universe, 4, 144 (19pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2018), “Complex symmetric formulation of Maxwell Equations for fields and potentials”, Mathematics, 6, 114, (10pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2017), “Kappa distributions: Theory and applications in plasmas”, (Ed: Livadiotis, G., Elsevier, Netherlands, UK, USA), ISBN: 9780128046395 (eBook), 9780128046388 (Paperback). [1st book on the theory and applications of kappa distributions: https://www.elsevier.com/books/kappa-distributions/livadiotis/978-0-12-…].
- Livadiotis, G. (2017), “Statistical origin and properties of kappa distributions”, J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 900, 012014 (17pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2017), “On the simplification of statistical mechanics for space plasmas”, Entropy, 19, 285 (16pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2016), “Curie law for systems described by kappa distributions”, EPL, 113, 10003 (6pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2016), “Modeling anisotropic Maxwell–Jüttner distributions: Derivation and properties”, An. Geo., 34, 1–14 (14pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & Desai, M.I. (2016), “Plasma-field coupling at small length scales in solar wind near 1 au”, Astrophys J, 829, 88 (14pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2016), “Non-Euclidean-normed Statistical Mechanics”, Physica A, 445, 240–255 (16pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2015), “Statistical background and properties of kappa distributions in space plasmas, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 1607–1619.
- Livadiotis, G. (2015), “Kappa and q indices: Dependence on the degrees of freedom”, Entropy, 17, 2062-2081 (20pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2015), “Kappa distribution in the presence of potential energy, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 880–903.
- Livadiotis, G. (2015), “Shock strength in space and astrophysical plasmas”, Astrophys. J., 809, 111 (21pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2015), “Application of the theory of Large-Scale Quantization to the inner heliosheath”, J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 577, 012018 (7pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2014), “Lagrangian temperature: Derivation and physical meaning for systems described by kappa distributions”, Entropy, 16, 4290-4308 (19pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D. J. (2014), “Large-scale quantization from local correlations in space plasmas”, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 3247–3258 (12pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D. J. (2014), “Electrostatic shielding in plasmas and the physical meaning of the Debye length”, J. Plasma Phys., 80, 341-378 (38pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2014), “Large-scale quantization in space plasmas: Summary and applications”, ASP Conf Ser, 484, 131 (6pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2013), “Evidence of large-scale phase space quantization in plasmas”, Entropy, 15, 1118-1132, (15pp). [Discovery of a new quantization constant, ћ*, characterizing space plasmas. In nature news: http://www.nature.com/news/space-plasmas-share-a-secret-1.13159].
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2013), “Understanding kappa distributions: A toolbox for space science and astrophysics”, Space Sci. Rev., 75, 183–214.
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D. J. (2011), “Invariant kappa distribution in space plasmas out of equilibrium”, Astrophys. J., 741, 88, (28pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D. J. (2010), “Exploring transitions of space plasmas out of equilibrium”, Astrophys. J., 714, 971 (17pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D. J. (2010), “Measure of the departure of the q-metastable stationary states from equilibrium”, Phys Scr, 82, 035003 (9pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2009), “Beyond kappa distributions: Exploiting Tsallis statistical mechanics in space plasmas”, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A11105, (22pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2009), “Approach on Tsallis statistical interpretation of hydrogen-atom by adopting the generalized radial distribution function”, J. Math. Chem., 45, 930-939 (10pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2008), “Approach to the block entropy modeling and optimization”, Physica A, 387, 2471-2494.
As Co-Author:
- McComas, D.J., Livadiotis, G., & Sarlis, N.V. (2024), “Correlations and kappa distributions: numerical experiment and physical understanding”, Astrophys. J., In Press.
- Saberian, E., & Livadiotis, G. (2022), “Plasma oscillations and spectral index in non-extensive statistics”, Physica A, 593, 126909.
- Gravanis, E., Akylas, E., Michailides, C., & Livadiotis, G. (2021), “Superstatistics and isotropic turbulence”, Physica A, 567, 125694.
- Gravanis, E., Akylas, E., & Livadiotis, G. (2021), “Stochastic dynamics and superstatistics of the many-particle kappa distribution”, J. Stat. Mech., 2021, 053201.
- Saberian, E., & Livadiotis, G. (2020), “The generalized criterion for collisionless plasma sheaths with kappa distributed electrons”, Plasma. Phys. Contr. F., 62, 105004 (11pp).
- Gravanis, E., Akylas, E., & Livadiotis, G. (2020), “Physical meaning of temperature in superstatistics”, EPL, 130, 30005 (7pp).
- Beck, C., Benedek, G., Livadiotis, G., Rapisarda, A. Tirnakli, U., Tsallis, C. (2020) “Nonextensive statistical mechanics, superstatistics & beyond: theory & applications in astrophysical & complex systems”, Europ. Phys. J. ST, 229, 707-709.
- Gravanis, E., Akylas, E., Panagiotou, C., & Livadiotis, G. (2019), “Kappa distributions and isotropic turbulence”, Entropy, 21, 1093 (20pp).
Book Chapters:
- Livadiotis, G. (2017), “Statistical background of kappa distributions: Connection with nonextensive statistical mechanics”, In: “Kappa distributions: Theory and applications in plasmas”, (Ed: Livadiotis, G., Elsevier, Netherlands, UK, US), Chapter 1, p.3-63.
- Livadiotis, G. (2017), “Entropy associated with kappa distributions”, In: “Kappa distributions: Theory and applications in plasmas”, (Ed: Livadiotis, G., Elsevier, Netherlands, UK, USA), Chapter 2, p.65-103.
- Livadiotis, G. (2017), “Phase space kappa distributions with potential energy”, In: “Kappa distributions: Theory and applications in plasmas”, (Ed: Livadiotis, G., Elsevier, Netherlands, UK, US), Chapter 3, p.105-176.
- Livadiotis, G. (2017), “Formulae of kappa distributions: Toolbox”, In: “Kappa distributions: Theory and applications in plasmas”, (Ed: Livadiotis, G., Elsevier, Netherlands, UK, USA), Chapter 4, p.177-246.
- Livadiotis, G. (2017), “Basic parameters in plasmas described by kappa distributions”, In: “Kappa distributions: Theory and applications in plasmas, (Ed: Livadiotis G., Elsevier, Neth/ds, UK, US), Ch5, 249-312.
B. Space Plasma Physics (Theory & Observations):
- Livadiotis, G., Cummings, A.T., Cuesta, M.C., Bandyopadhyay, R., Farooki, H.A., Khoo, L.Y., McComas, D.J., Rankin, J. S., Sharma, T., Shen, M.M., Cohen, C. M. S., Muro, G.D., & Xu, Z. (2024), “Kappa-tail technique: Modeling and application to Solar Energetic Particles observed by Parker Solar Probe”, Astrophys. J., 973, 6.
- Livadiotis, G., McComas, D.J., & Shrestha, B.L. (2024), “Thermodynamics of pickup ions in the heliosphere“, Astrophys. J., 968, 66.
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2023), “Transport equation of kappa distributions in the heliosphere”, Astrophys. J., 954, 72 (11pp).
- Livadiotis, G., McComas, D.J., Zirnstein, E. (2023), “Temperature of the polar inner heliosheath: Connection to solar activity”, Astrophys. J., 951, 21.
- Livadiotis, G., McComas, Funsten, H.O., Schwadron, N.A., Szalay, J.R. & Zirnstein, E. (2022), “Thermodynamics of the inner heliosheath”, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 262, 53.
- Livadiotis, G. (2021), “Radial profile of the polytropic index of solar wind plasma in the heliosphere”, Res. Notes AAS, 5, 4.
- Livadiotis, G., Dayeh, M.A., & Zank, G. P. (2020), “Estimation of turbulent heating of solar wind protons at 1AU”, Astrophys. J., 905, 137 (9pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2019), “Turbulent heating in solar wind thermodynamics”, Astrophys. J., 887, 117 (10pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2019), “Connection of turbulence with polytropic index in the solar wind proton plasma”, Entropy, 21, 1041 (12pp).
- Livadiotis, G., Desai, M.I., & Wilson III, L.B. (2018), “Generation of kappa distributions in solar wind at 1 AU”, Astrophys. J., 853, 142 (15pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2018), “Thermal Doppler broadening of spectral emissions by space plasma particles”, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 239, 25 (21pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2018), “Long-term independence of solar wind polytropic index to plasma flow speed”, Entropy, 20, 799 (12pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2018), “Using kappa distributions to identify the potential energy”, J. Geophys. Res., 123, 1050–1060.
- Livadiotis, G. (2018), “Kappa Distributions and Statistical Mechanics in Space Plasmas”, Hipparchos, 3, 30.
- Livadiotis, G. (2016), “Superposition of polytropa in the inner heliosheath”, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 223, 13, (13pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D. J. (2013), “Near-equilibrium heliosphere – Far-equilibrium heliosheath”, AIP Conf Proc, 1539, 344-350 (7pp).
- Livadiotis, G., McComas, D. J., Schwadron, N. A., Funsten, H. O., & Fuselier, S. A. (2013), “Pressure of the proton plasma in the inner heliosheath”, Astrophys. J., 762, 134, (19pp).
- Livadiotis, G., McComas, D.J., Randol, B., Mӧbius, E., Dayeh, M.A., Frisch, P.C., Funsten, H.O., Schwadron, N.A., & Zank, G. P. (2012), “Pickup ion distributions and their influence on ENA spectral curvature”, Astrophys. J., 751, 64 (21pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D. J. (2012), “Non-equilibrium thermodynamic processes: Space plasmas and the inner heliosheath”, Astrophys J, 749, 11 (4pp).
- Livadiotis, G., McComas, D.J, Dayeh, M.A., Funsten, H.O., & Schwadron, N.A. (2011), “First sky map of the inner heliosheath temperature using IBEX spectra”, Astrophys. J., 734, 1 (19pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D. J. (2011), “The influence of pick-up ions on space plasma distributions”, Astrophys J, 738, 64 (13pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D. J. (2010), “Non-equilibrium stationary states in the Heliosphere: The influence of pick-up ions”, AIP Conf Proc, 1302, 70-76 (7pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & Moussas, X. (2009),“Upper limit of the total magnetic flux in an active region according to the photometric-magnetic dynamical model”, Adv. Space Res., 43, 694-701 (8pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & Moussas, X. (2007), “The sunspot as an autonomous dynamical system: A model for the growth and decay phases of sunspots”, Physica A, 379, 436-458 (23pp).
As Co-Author:
- Cuesta, M.C., Cummings, A.T., Livadiotis, G., McComas, D.J., Cohen, C. M. S., Khoo, L.Y., Sharma, T., Shen, M.M., Bandyopadhyay, R., Rankin, J. S., Szalay, J.R., Farooki, H.A., Xu, Z., Muro, G.D., Stevens, M.L., Bale, S.D. (2024), “Observations of kappa distributions in Solar Energetic Protons and derived thermodynamic properties”, Astrophys. J., 973, 76.
- Szalay, J.R., Saur, J., McComas, D. J., Allegrini, F., Bagenal, F., Bolton, S. J., Ebert, R. W., Kim, T.K., Livadiotis, G., Poppe, A. R., Valek, P., Wilson, R. J., & Zirnstein, E. J. (2024), “Europa modifies Jupiter’s plasma sheet”, Geophys. Res. Let., 51, e2023GL105809.
- Katsavrias, C., Nicolaou, G., Di Matteo, S., Kepko, L. Viall, N.M., Aminalragia-Giamini, S., & Livadiotis, G. (2024), “Proton polytropic behavior of periodic density structures in the solar wind”, Astron. & Astrophys., 686, L10.
- Sarlis, N.V., Livadiotis, G., McComas, D.J., Khoo, L.Y., Cohen, C. M. S., Cuesta, M.C., Mitchell, D.G., Schwadron, N.A. (2024), Persistent behavior in Solar Energetic Particle time series”, Astrophys. J., 969, 64.
- Katsavrias, C., Nicolaou, G., & Livadiotis, G. (2024), “Dependence of the Polytropic Behaviour of Solar Wind Protons on Temperature Anisotropy and Plasma beta near L1”, Astron. & Astrophys., In Press.
- Nicolaou, G., Livadiotis, G., Sarlis, N.V., & Ioannou, C. (2024), “Resolving velocity distribution function parameters from observations with significant statistical uncertainty”, RAS Tech. Instr., In Press.
- Sarlis, N.V., Livadiotis, G., McComas, D.J., Alimaganbetov, M., Schwadron, N.A., & Fairchild, K. (2024), “Persistent behavior in Energetic Neutral Atom time series from IBEX”, Astrophys. J., In Press.
- Nicolaou, G., Livadiotis, G., & Ioannou, C. (2024), “Artificial polytropic behavior of plasmas determined from the application of chi-square minimization analysis to data with significant statistical uncertainty”, Astrophys. J., In Press.
- Cuesta, M.C., Khoo, L.Y., Livadiotis, G., Shen, M.M., Szalay, J.R., McComas, D.J., Rankin, J. S., Bandyopadhyay, R., Farooki, H.A., Niehof, J.T., Cohen, C.M.S., Leske, R.A., Xu, Z., Muro, G.D., Hill, M.E., Mitchell, D.G., & Christian, E.R. (2024), “Energy-weighted geometric mean of particle intensity”, Astrophys. J., In Press.
- Nicolaou, G., Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2023), “The polytropic behavior of solar wind protons as observed by the Ulysses spacecraft during solar minimum”, Astrophys. J., 948, 22.
- Dayeh, A.M., & Livadiotis, G. (2022), “Polytropic behavior in the structures of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections”, Astrophys. J. Let., 941, L26.
- Nicolaou, G., Allegrini, F., Livadiotis, G., & Ebert, R. W. (2022), “Effects of background noise on fit parameters of plasma scattering angle distributions”, Rev. Sci. Instr., 93, 103305.
- Elliott, H. A., Arge, C. N.; Henney, C. J., Dayeh, M. A., Livadiotis, G., Jahn, J.-M., et al. (2022), “Improving multiday solar wind speed forecasts”, Sp. Weather, 20, e2021SW002868.
- Szalay, J.R., Clark, G., Livadiotis, G., McComas, D.J., Mitchell, D.G., Rankin, J.S., et al. (2022), “Plasma oscillations and spectral index in non-extensive statistics”, Geophys. Res. Let., 49, e2022GL098741.
- Allegrini, F., Kurth, W.S., Saur, J., Livadiotis G., Nicolaou, G., Elliott, S., et al. (2021), “Electron partial density and temperature over Jupiter’s main auroral emission from Juno”, J. Geophys. Res., 126, e2021JA029426.
- Nicolaou, G., Livadiotis, G., & Desai, M.I. (2021), “Estimating the polytropic indices of plasmas with partial temperature tensor measurements: Application to solar wind protons at~ 1 au”, Appl. Sci., 11, 4019.
- Nicolaou, G., Livadiotis, G., & Desai, M.I. (2021), “Significance of Bernoulli Integral Terms for the Solar Wind Protons at 1 au”, Appl. Sci., 11, 4643.
- Nicolaou, G., Wicks, R. T., Livadiotis, G., Verscharen, D., Owen, C. J., & Kataria, D. O. (2020), “Determining the bulk parameters of plasma electrons from pitch-angle distribution measurements”, Entropy, 22, 103 (14pp).
- Kim, T. K., Ebert, R. W., Valek, P. W., Allegrini, F., McComas, D.J., Bagenal, F., Chae, K., Livadiotis, G., et al. (2020), “Method to Derive Ion Properties from Juno JADE Including Abundance Estimates for O+ and S2+”, J. Geophys. Res. 125, e2018JA026169 (36pp).
- Nicolaou, G., Livadiotis, G., & Wicks, R. T. (2020), “On the determination of kappa distributions from space plasma observations”, Entropy, 22, 212 (11pp).
- Dayeh, M.A., Livadiotis, G., Aminian, F., Cheng, K., Roberts, J.L., Viswasam, N., & Elaydi, S. (2020), “Effects of Cholesterol in Stress-Related Neuronal Death-A Statistical Analysis Perspective”, Inter. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 2905 (15pp).
- Kim, T. K., Ebert, R. W., Valek, P. W., Allegrini, F., McComas, D. J., Bagenal, F., et al. (2020), “Survey of Ion Properties in Jupiter's Plasma Sheet: Juno JADE-I Observations”, J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2019JA027696 (21pp).
- Nicolaou, G., & Livadiotis, G. (2020), “Statistical uncertainties of space plasma properties described by kappa distributions”, Entropy, 22 (16pp).
- Nicolaou, G., Livadiotis, G., Wicks, R.T., Verscharen, D., & Maruca, B.A. (2020), “Polytropic behavior of solar wind protons observed by Parker Solar Probe”, Astrophys. J., 901, 26 (10pp).
- Luspay-Kuti, A., et al. (including Livadiotis, G.), (2019), “Comparison of neutral outgassing of comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko inbound and outbound beyond 3 AU from ROSINA/DFMS”, Astron. & Astrophys., 630, A30 (10pp).
- Pavlos, E.G., Malandraki, O.E., Khabarova, O.V., Karakatsanis, L.P., Pavlos, G.P., & Livadiotis, G. (2019), “Non-extensive statistical analysis of energetic particle flux enhancements caused by the interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection - heliospheric current sheet interaction”, Entropy, 21, 648 (45pp).
- Nicolaou, G., & Livadiotis, G. (2019), “Long-term correlations of polytropic indices with kappa distributions in solar wind plasma near 1AU”, Astrophys. J., 884, 52 (15pp).
- Elliott, H. A., McComas, D. J., Zirnstein, E. J., Randol, B. M., Delamere, P. A., Livadiotis, G., et al. (2019), “Slowing of the solar wind in the outer heliosphere”, Astrophys. J., 885, 156 (14pp).
- Nicolaou, G., Livadiotis, G., & Wicks, R.T. (2019), “On the calculation of the effective polytropic index in space plasmas”, Entropy, 21, 997 (17pp).
- Oka, M., Birn, J., Battaglia, M., Chaston, C. C., Hatch, S. M., Livadiotis, G., et al., (2018), “Electron power-law spectra in solar and space plasmas”, Space Sci. Rev., 214, 82, (66pp).
- Nicolaou, G., Livadiotis, G., Owen, C.J., Verscharen, D., Wicks, R. T. (2018), “Determining the kappa distributions of space plasmas from observations in a limited energy range”, Astrophys. J., 864, 3, (11pp).
- Frisch, P., et al. (including Livadiotis, G.), (2018), “Mapping the Interstellar Magnetic Field Around the Heliosphere with Polarized Starlight”, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.02806.pdf.
- Nicolaou, G., & Livadiotis, G. (2017), “Modeling the plasma flow in the inner heliosheath with a spatially varying compression ratio”, Astrophys J, 838, 7 (7pp).
- Ogasawara K., Livadiotis G., Grubbs GA, Jahn J-M, Michell R., Samara M, et al. (2017), “Properties of suprathermal electrons associated with discrete auroral arcs”, Geophys. Res. Let., 44, 3475–3484 (10pp).
- Zirnstein, E.J., Funsten, H., Heerikhuisen, J., Livadiotis, G., McComas, D.J., Pogorelov, N.V. (2016), “The local interstellar magnetic field determined from the IBEX ribbon”, Astrophys J Let, 818, L18 (6pp).
- Elliott, H., McComas, DJ, Valek, P, Nicolaou, G, Weidner, S., & Livadiotis, G. (2016), “New Horizons solar wind around Pluto observations of the Solar Wind from 11-33au”, Astrophys J Suppl Ser, 223, 19 (21pp).
- Schwadron, NA, et al. (including Livadiotis, G.), (2016), “Signatures of volatiles in the lunar proton albedo”, Icarus, 273, 25–35.
- Broiles, T.W., Livadiotis, G., Burch, J.L., Chae, K., Clark, G., Cravens, et al., (2016), “Characterizing cometary electrons with kappa distributions”, J Geophys Res, 121, 7407-7422 (16pp).
- Schwadron, N.A., Mӧbius, E., McComas, D.J., Bochsler, P., Bzowski, M., Fuselier, S.A., Livadiotis, G., et al., (2016), “Determination of interstellar O parameters using the first 2 years of data from IBEX”, Astrophys J, 828, 81 (21pp).
- Nicolaou, G., & Livadiotis, G. (2016), “Misestimation of temperature when applying Maxwellian distributions to space plasmas described by kappa distributions”, Astrophys. Space Sci, 361, 359 (11pp).
- Broiles, T.W., et al. (including Livadiotis, G.), (2016), “Statistical analysis of suprathermal electron drivers at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko”, MNRAS, 462, S312-S322 (11pp).
- Funsten HO, Cai DM, Dayeh M, DeMajistre R, Frisch PC., Heerikhuisen J, Higdon DM, Janzen P, Larsen BA, Livadiotis G, et al. (2015), “Symmetry of the IBEX Ribbon of Enhanced ENA Flux”, Astrophys J, 799, 68 (17pp).
- Ogasawara, K., Dayeh, M.A., Funsten, H.O., Fuselier, S.A., Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2015), Interplanetary magnetic field dependence of the suprathermal energetic neutral atoms originated in subsolar magnetopause, J Geophys Res, 120, 964-972 (9pp).
- Frisch, P. C., Bzowski, M., Drews, C., Leonard, T., Livadiotis, G., et al., (2015), “Correcting the record on the analysis of IBEX and STEREO data regarding variations in the neutral interstellar wind”, Astrophys J, 801, 61 (41pp).
- Fuselier, S.A., Dayeh, M.A., Livadiodis, G., McComas, D.J., Ogasawara, K., Valek, P., Funsten, H.O. (2015), “Imaging the development of the cold dense plasma sheet”, Geophys. Res. Let., 42, 7867–7873 (7pp).
- Park, J., Kucharek, H., Moebius, E., Fuselier, S.A., Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2015), “The statistical analyses of the heavy neutral atoms measured by IBEX”, Astrophys J Suppl Ser. 220, 34 (13pp).
- Nicolaou, G., Livadiotis, G., & Moussas, X. (2014), “Long term variability of the polytropic index of solar wind protons at ~1AU”, Sol. Phys., 289, 1371-1378 (7pp).
- Fuselier, S. A., et al., (including Livadiotis, G.), (2014) “Low energy neutral atoms from the heliosheath”, Astrophys. J., 784, 89 (14pp).
- Schwadron, N. A., et al. (including Livadiotis, G.), (2014), “Separation of the Ribbon from Globally Distributed Energetic Neutral Atom Flux Using the First 5 Years of IBEX Observations”, Astrophys J Suppl Ser, 215, 13 (18pp).
- Dayeh, M.A., Allegrini, F., DeMajistre, R., Desai, M.I., Ebert, R.W., Fuselier, S., Janzen, P., Livadiotis, G., et al., (2014), “Spectral evolution of ENA emissions at the heliospheric poles as measured by IBEX during its first three years”, Astrophys J, 797, 57 (9pp).
- Ogasawara, K., Angelopoulos, V., Dayeh, M.A., Fuselier, S.A., Livadiotis, G., et al., (2013), “Characterizing the dayside magnetosheath using ENAs: IBEX and THEMIS observations”, J Geophys Res, 118, 3126-3137 (12pp).
- McComas, D.J., Dayeh, M.A., Funsten, H.O., Livadiotis, G., Schwadron, N.A. (2013), “The heliotail revealed by the International Boundary Explorer”, Astrophys J, 771, 77 (9pp).
- Frisch, P.C., Bzowski, M., Livadiotis, G., McComas, D.J., Mӧbius, E., et al., (2013), “Decades-long changes of the interstellar wind through our solar system”, Science, 341, 1080 (4pp).
- Schwadron, N.A., et al. (including Livadiotis, G.), (2013), “Solar radiation pressure and local interstellar medium flow parameters from IBEX low energy hydrogen measurements”, Astrophys J, 775, 86 (14pp).
- Fusten, H.O., Frisch, P.C., Heerikhuisen, J., Higdon, D.M., Janzen, P., Larsen, B.A., Livadiotis, G., et al., (2013), “Circularity of the IBEX Ribbon of enhanced energetic neutral atom flux”, Astrophys J, 776, 30 (15pp).
- McComas, D.J., Angold, N., Elliott, H.A., Livadiotis, G., Schwadron, N., et al., (2013), “Weakest solar wind of the space age and the current mini solar maximum”, Astrophys J, 779, 2 (10pp).
- Dayeh, M. A., McComas, D. J., Allegrini, F., Desai, M. I., Funsten, H. O., Janzen, P., Livadiotis, G., et al., (2012), “Effects of fast and slow solar wind on the ENA spectra measured by IBEX at the heliospheric poles”, Astrophys J, 749, 50 (6pp).
- McComas, D.J., Dayeh, M.A., Allegrini, F., Bzowski, M., DeMajistre, R., Fujiki, K., Funsten, H.O., Fuselier, S.A., Gruntman, M., Janzen, P.H., Kubiak, M. A., Livadiotis, G., et al., (2012), “The first 3 years of IBEX observations & our evolving heliosphere”, Astrophys J Suppl Ser, 203, 1 (36pp).
- Schwadron, N. A., et al. (including Livadiotis, G.), (2011), “Separation of the IBEX Ribbon from Globally Distributed Energetic Neutral Atom Flux”, Astrophys. J., 731, 56 (22pp).
- Dayeh, MA, McComas, DJ, Livadiotis, G., Ebert, R.W., Funsten, HO, Janzen, P., Reisenfeld, DB, Schwadron, NA, (2011), “Spectral properties of regions and structures in IBEX’s global ENA sky maps”, Astrophys J, 734, 29 (5pp).
- McComas, D.J., et al. (including Livadiotis, G.), (2010), “Evolving outer heliosphere: Large-scale stability and time variations observed by IBEX”, J Geophys Res, 115, A09113 (18pp).
- McComas, D.J., et al. (including Livadiotis, G.), (2009), “Global observations of the interstellar interaction from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer”, Science, 326, 959-962 (4pp).
- Schwadron N.A., et al. (including Livadiotis, G.), (2009), “Comparison of Interstellar Boundary Explorer observations with 3D global heliospheric models”, Science, 326, 966-968 (3pp).
Book Chapters:
- Livadiotis, G., & Moussas, X. (2008), “Total magnetic flux in an Active Region”, Proceedings of Int. Symp. COSPAR 2007 “Solar Extreme Events”, (Eds.: Mavromichalaki, H., Papaioannou, A.), 288-295.
- Livadiotis, G., & Moussas, X. (2009), “Maximum magnetic flux in an active region”, Proc. IAU 257, 4, “Universal Heliophysical Processes”, (Eds: Gopalswamy, N., Webb, D., Cambridge Univ. Press), 101-108.
- Schwadron, N.A., Wilson, J.K., Looper, M.D., Jordan, A., Spence, H.E., Blake, J.B., Case, A.W., Iwata, Y., Kasper, JC, Farrell, W.M., Lawrence, D.J., Livadiotis, G., Mazur, J., Petro, N, Pieters, C., Robinson, M.S., Smith, S., Townsend, L.W., Zeitlin, C. (2015), “Possible albedo proton signature of hydrated lunar surface layer”, In: Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Ann. Meeting, Columbia, LPI Contribution 1863, p.2044.
- Livadiotis, G. (2015), “Why is the kappa distribution of fundamental importance in astrophysical and space plasmas?”, In: Frontiers of Plasma Science Workshops, Washington.
- Yoon, P.H., & Livadiotis, G. (2017), “Nonlinear wave-particle interaction and electron kappa distributions”, In: “Kappa distributions: Theory and applications in plasmas”, (Ed: Livadiotis, G., Elsevier, N/lands, UK, USA), Ch. 8, p.363-398.
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D. J. (2017), “Ion distributions in space plasmas”, In: “Kappa distributions: Theory and applications in plasmas” (Ed: Livadiotis G., Elsevier, Netherlands, UK, US), Ch10, p.421-463.
C. Nonlinear Dynamics:
- Livadiotis, G. (2020), “Statistical analysis of the impact of environmental temperature on the exponential growth rate of cases infected by COVID-19”, PLOS ONE, 15, e0233875 (21pp). [First study to show the strong dependence of infected cases to temperature].
- Livadiotis, G. (2018), “High density nodes in the chaotic region of 1D discrete maps”, Entropy 20, 24 (21pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2018), “Complex symmetric formulation of Maxwell Equations for fields and potentials”, Mathematics, 6, 114, (10pp).
- Livadiotis, G., Assas., L., Dennis, B., Elaydi, S., & Kwessi, E. (2016), “Kappa function as a unifying framework for discrete population modeling”, Nat. Res. Mod., 29, 130–144 (15pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2016), “Invariant spectra in N-coupled standard maps”, Int J Bifurcat Chaos, 26, 1650084 (8pp).
- Livadiotis, G., Assas., L., Dennis, B., Elaydi, S., & Kwessi, E. (2015), “A discrete time host-parasitoid model with an Allee effect”, J Biol Dyn, 9, 34-51 (18pp).
- Livadiotis, G., Assas, L., Elaydi, S., Kwessi, E., & Ribble, D. (2014), “Competition models with Allee effects”, J Diff Eq Appl, 20, 1127-1151 (25pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & Elaydi S. (2012), General Allee effect in two-species population biology, J Biol Dyn, 6, 959, (15pp). [First study of two species Allee effect].
- Livadiotis, G. (2009), “Definition and applications of the ascent-probability distribution in 1-dimensional maps”, Int. J. Bifurcation & Chaos, 19, 3567-3591 (25pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2007), “Thermal ghosts: Apparent decay of fixed surfaces caused by heat diffusion”, J Phys D, 40, 907-913 (7pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & Voglis, N. (2006), “The rotation number in one-dimensional maps: definition and applications”, J Phys A, 39, 15231-15244 (14pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2005), “Numerical approximation of the percentage of order for one-dimensional maps”, Adv Complex Sys, 8, 15-32 (18pp).
As Co-Author:
- Ackleh, A. S., Veprauskas, A. M, Elaydi, S., & Livadiotis, G. (2021), “A Continuous-Time Mathematical Model and Discrete Approximations for the Aggregation of β-Amyloid”, J. Biol. Dyn., 15, 109-136.
- Elaydi, S., Kwessi, E., & Livadiotis, G. (2018), “Hierarchical competition models with the Allee effect III: multispecies”, J Biol Dyn., 12, 271-287 (17pp).
- Kwessi, E., Elaydi, S., Livadiotis, G., & Dennis, B. (2018), “Nearly Exact Discretization of Single Species Population Models”, Nat Res Mod. 31, e12167.
- Dayeh, M.A., Livadiotis, G., Elaydi, S. (2018), “A Discrete Mathematical Model for the Aggregation of β-Amyloid”, Plos One, 13, e0196402.
- Assas, L., Dennis, B., Elaydi, S., Kwessi, E., & Livadiotis, G. (2016), “A stochastic modified Beverton-Holt model with the Allee effect”, J Diff Eq Appl, 22, 37-54 (18pp).
- Assas, L., Dennis, B., Elaydi, S., Kwessi, E., & Livadiotis, G. (2016), “Stochastic Modified Berverton-Holt model with Allee effect II: the Cushing-Henson Conjecture”, J Diff Eq Appl., 22, 164-176 (13pp).
- Dennis, B., Assas, L., Elaydi, S., Kwessi, E., & Livadiotis, G. (2016), “Allee effects and resilience in stochastic populations”, Theor Ecol, 9, 323–335 (13pp).
- Assas, L., Elaydi, S., Kwessi, E., Livadiotis, G., & Ribble, D. (2015), “Hierarchical Competition models with Allee effects”, J Biol Dyn, 9, 32-44 (15pp).
- Assas, L., David, B., Elaydi, S., Kwessi, E., & Livadiotis, G. (2015), “Hierarchical competition models with the Allee effect II: The case of immigration”, J Biol Dyn, 9, 288-316 (29pp).
Book Chapters:
- Livadiotis, G., & Moussas, X. (2008), “The perturbed Photometric-Magnetic Dynamical model for the sunspot evolution”, In: “Chaos in Astronomy”, Astrophys. & Space Sci. Proc., (Springer, Berlin), 455-459.
- Livadiotis, G., & Voglis, N. (2003), “The rotation number and its applications” (in Greek), In: “Order and Chaos” series, Vol. 8, (Bountis, A., Vlahos, L., eds.), 91-107.
D. Probability Theory - Statistics - Functional analysis:
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D.J. (2024), “Goodness of Chi-Square for linearly parameterized fitting“, Stats, In Press.
- Livadiotis, G. (2021), “Effect of environmental temperature on growth rate of cases infected by Covid-19 in Cyprus”, medRxiv, doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.19.21252106.
- Livadiotis, G. (2020), “General fitting methods based on Lq norms and their optimization”, Stats., 3, 16-31.
- Livadiotis, G. (2019), “Geometric interpretation of errors in multi-parametrical fitting methods”, Stats, 2, 426-438.
- Livadiotis, G. (2019), “Linear regression with optimal rotation”, Stats, 2, 416–425 (10pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2017), “Law of Large Numbers for non-Euclidean Lp means”, Entropy, 19, 217 (12pp).
- Livadiotis, G., Assas L., Dayeh MA, Elaydi S, Phea C, Roberts JL, Samman Y, Tchen R, (2017), “Experimental analysis of interacting plasma membrane cholesterol & ß-Amyloid”, Adv. Alzh. Dis., 6, 75-96 (22pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2014), “Chi-p distribution: Characterization of the goodness of the fitting using Lp norms”, J Stat Distr Appl, 1, 4 (14pp).
- Livadiotis, G., & McComas, D. J. (2013), “Fitting method based on correlation maximization: Applications in Astrophysics”, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 2863-2875 (13pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2012), “Expectation value & variance based on Lp norms”, Entropy,14, 2375-2396, (22pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (2007), “Approach to general methods for fitting and their sensitivity”, Physica A, 375, 518-536 (19pp).
- Livadiotis, G. (1989), “New types of ordinary differential equations and their solutions”, Cyprus Mathematical Society Bulletin, Vol. 6., 14-19 (6pp), (ISSN 0256-8381).